Sunday, May 3, 2009

I did it!

My time: 1 hour 49 minutes! That's a 8:19m pace! Thanks goes to Jake and Mindy - I couldn't have done it without them!

Mile 9 and I'm smiling!!


  1. Yahoo!!!! You're awesome! And way awesome time....ESPECIALLY for your first. Way to go!

  2. Good Job. I'm proud of you. I'm running a 5k this weekend. I'm sure my time won't be as good as yours.

  3. Congratulations! Awesome time especially for having a baby the last year. I am still trying to gear up for a half marathon or even a 5K and my baby is already 1. Did you have to train for it?

  4. You are my new hero! I would like to, at least once in my life just accomplish a 5k! Congratulations!!!

  5. I am waiting for more posts! You arent' supposed to do this to me!
    Love ya!!!
